Education opportunities in Victoria's rail industry Transcript


Bradley Giddens (Level Crossing Removal Project). Certificate II in heavy and light rail fundamentals is a vocational program that will be delivered in secondary schools to give students an appreciation of the range of opportunities available in Victoria’s rail industry.

Jane (parent). So, we’ve got two full years of Mitch involved in infrastructure, involved in planning, involved in operations, involved in customer service.

Steve (student). Part of the course that excites me the most about probably conversing with others in a more adult sort of environment, so getting ready for the workforce really, for the rail and all that.

Markos (teacher). The aspect I’m most excited about for the students for this course is the variety of different options that they’ll be able to work in, in the rail industry once they’ve finished the course.

Jane (parent). And I think that the opportunities that are currently coming through within rail is definitely a step in the right direction for jobs for these young people that are coming through.

Kevin Devlin (CEO, Level Crossing Removal Project). It’s a really useful facility because it’s got an operating track network, so we can have people practice on the real-life network without the actual trains running.

Mitchell (student). The course excites me the most is just being there, just having fun and learning new things.

Macy (student). I am honestly excited to do everything that there is to do and just soak in all the information and just get everything that I need to get into the dream career of being a train driver.

Steve (student). If I could be anywhere to work in rail it would probably be construction.

Macy (student). I’ve always just been passionate in rail, so I’ve researched and done everything I could to find a course like this to help me get into the future job that I want to do.

Mitchell (student). I would choose to be a train driver; I’ve always wanted to be a train driver.